In ‘meet the team’ you will get to know all Raw Stadia team members. Next up: Nina Meeus, who recently started at Raw Stadia as a Sport Scientific Research Assistant. Let's quick-fire some questions.

Tell us something about yourself?
I have a double nationality and I was raised bilingual, speaking both Spanish and Flemish. I have lived my entire life in Belgium, but I regularly visit my family in Spain.
Further, I practice many sports, but track and field and tennis are the only ones that I practiced for a long period of time. Besides sports, I like to go for a drink with friends, a walk with my dog, a cozy evening with my sisters/brother or a place with good food :)
What do you do at Raw Stadia?
Currently, I am an intern with the position of sport scientific research assistant which means that I will help to conduct more research related to our products.
Why Raw Stadia?
I heard from the company through a friend when I was still studying. I have a great interest in biomechanics related to sports, so this company sounded like a good fit. When I graduated two years later, I still remembered the conversation and decided to reach out to them to gain more information. This led to my internship that I am currently fulfilling.
What is your first impression at Raw Stadia?
It has a good work environment which I consider very important. Everybody is friendly and willing to help you when needed.
What is the number one item on your bucket list?
Machu Picchu in Peru!!!
Give us some good conversation starters/ Something to talk about during a coffee break
Weekend plans.
How good the snack is you get with your coffee at the Corda Cuisine.
Are you a sports fan? Certain team?
Yes!! I’ve played tennis whole my life and practiced track and field for years. Besides these two sports I’ve tried many other sports. To watch, my favorite sports are tennis, cycling, basketball, gymnastics, and track and field. Like many other tennis fans, I’m a big fan of Rafael Nadal, Roger Federer and Serena Williams (even though the latter two are retired, I am still a big fan of both!) but the younger generation is also on their way to turning me into a fan girl ;).